• Photo of River in Van Buren
  • Growing Our Businesses & Community

  • Platinum Investors


  • Committee Members

  • Marketing Opportunities Guide

  • Marketing Opportunities Guide

  • Put your business front and center by sponsoring a Chamber event, annual program, or digital media.

    New network building events in 2022 include the Battle of the Business Bowling Tournament and the Local Lunch for restaurants.  BE PRO BE PROUD and Connecting Educators in Industry are focused on building the workforce pipeline for our community.  Also new this year are two annual program sponsorships, the Governmental Affairs Committee, and the Chamber Ambassadors, both focused on advocacy for a strong, business friendly climate in our community, county, and state. 

    Or promote your business utilizing the Chamber website, which received more than 145,000 visits in 2021. And don't forget the long running favorites; the Annual Meeting & Business Expo, the Golf Classic, Business After Hours, and the Arkansas Scholars Award Ceremony.




  • Support of Tax Back Program Approved for Bekaert Expansion

    Support of Tax Back Program Approved for Bekaert Expansion

    During the month of July, both the Crawford County Quorum Court and the Van Buren City Council  approved a resolution of support for Bekaert's participation in the Tax Back Program.  This is an incentive program offered by the Arkansas Economic Development Commission that provides sales and use tax refunds on the purchase of building materials, machinery, and equipment to qualifying businesses that create new jobs as a result of construction, expansion, or facility modernization projects in Arkansas.  

    Bekaert's expansion will include 50,000 new square feet with an estimated cost of $8.4 million.  This will enable Bekaert to add 35 new jobs with an average salary of $37,000.  The estimated construction start date is November 2021 with an estimated completion date of April 2022.  

    "We were thrilled to help with the facilitation of this resolution through the Quorum Court and the City Council on behalf of Bekaert," stated Julie Murray, President & C.E.O. of the Van Buren Chamber of Commerce.   "The company is an extraordinary community partner and we are excited about their new expansion. It is going to be so beneficial to our entire region." 

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