• Photo of River in Van Buren
  • Growing Our Businesses & Community

  • Platinum Investors


  • Committee Members

  • Marketing Opportunities Guide

  • Marketing Opportunities Guide

  • Put your business front and center by sponsoring a Chamber event, annual program, or digital media.

    New network building events in 2022 include the Battle of the Business Bowling Tournament and the Local Lunch for restaurants.  BE PRO BE PROUD and Connecting Educators in Industry are focused on building the workforce pipeline for our community.  Also new this year are two annual program sponsorships, the Governmental Affairs Committee, and the Chamber Ambassadors, both focused on advocacy for a strong, business friendly climate in our community, county, and state. 

    Or promote your business utilizing the Chamber website, which received more than 145,000 visits in 2021. And don't forget the long running favorites; the Annual Meeting & Business Expo, the Golf Classic, Business After Hours, and the Arkansas Scholars Award Ceremony.




  • Scenes from the Ribbon Cutting for JB Family & Animal Chiropractic

    Scenes from the Ribbon Cutting for JB Family & Animal Chiropractic

    Congratulations to JB Family and Animal Chiropractic on their grand opening and official ribbon cutting. 

    Dr. Jordana Beutelschies is a chiropractor that specializes in families & animal adjusting.  

    She is passionate about families and animals and their health, which is why she chose this profession.
    She is currently obtaining a pediatric certification through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and will be able to work more closely with children, pregnant women and families all throughout the River Valley.
    She is not a veterinarian, but she can provide a service to your pet that has been proven to be very beneficial to their health and overall well-being. She is able to adjust any large and small animals with a spine. She does not specialize in exotic animals.
    She is licensed in both Arkansas and Oklahoma.  You may call her for more information or to schedule an appointment at 479-414-4336 or visit her Facebook page by clicking here. 


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